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A few ways I continue to grow...

Image by Matt Botsford
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The Project

Service Design as a toolkit and mindset has helped organizations connect to their workforce and customers on a human level. And it's helped governments and social enterprises solve complex problems and discover how to best serve their people.


But what can happen when service design is used as a force for social good? How does it intersect with other fields? What is the experience of a designer or those we are designing with? And how can we use service design to create meaningful and equitable transformation around us?


This podcast is meant to create the space for a broader cultural dialogue about the importance and complexity of services within our society. And most importantly, to show that each of us has the power to impact.


We share stories and conversations from around the world, as we ask why and learn how to use service design thinking for positive change.

My Role

My role in the show is as a thought partner and producer. Weekly, the creator and host (Marina Terteryan) and I collaborate on all facets of the show to ensure a quality listening experience and powerful, inspiring content. I assist in reviewing the content of episodes, building the season roadmap, and organizing the promotion strategy.

Why I work on this

After immersing myself in service design I saw the need for the redesign of many systems we interact with. Thankfully, people were already working on solutions, however their impactful stories were not being shared. Being a part of the show enables me to assist in bringing awareness to these initiatives and amplify their voices. That is personally gratifying for me. 

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The Project

Ideas together are better than ideas alone.


Ideaprov harnesses the power of collaborative thought and service design to propose solutions to real-life issues.


Inspired by improv comedy format and the power of collaboration, co-creators and I explore possibilities in innovation through lived experiences and domain knowledge. Listen in as this all unfolds to you and us live in every episode!

My Role

I do it all. Creator, host, co-creator, promoter, scheduler, editor, and chief figure-it-out-er. 

Why I work on this

I love to analyze and explore possibilities. Consequently, I have many thoughts on how to improve things, systems, and ways of life. I created the show to share those, learn from others' thoughts and put my service design skills to the test in real time. All thoughts on the show are open source, so I hope one day an episode may spark an idea for someone to use and put some good out in the world. 


Service Design and Sports

My Vision

In my view, sports are a fun-based service that entertains us. From backyard games with family, recreation leagues with friends to the NFL, like any service, sports too can be designed. My vision is to explore the intersection where these industries meet. How might they impact one another? What can we learn from one and impact the other? I want to understand this new landscape and share what I find.

My Role

I am passionate about the holistic uses of service design. Using that mindset I aim to find the similarities, the differences, and create a space for others to be inspired, create, and improve services for players, teams, staff, organizations and fans. 

Why I work on this

This is the blend of my professional (service design) and personal (sports) passions. Figuring out how these spaces interact and how they can help each other would be personally gratifying and a lot of fun!

SD Sports
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